Marble Repair – How to Do It Yourself
You can save your marble items by doing marble repair yourself, saving money on replacement. You’ll also save the heirloom that you have been treasured for generations, a sentimental investment. However, the process of doing it yourself will require some patience, and some experience. If you’re unsure about how to do it, read this guide for help. Once you’ve learned how to do marble repair yourself, you’ll feel confident to hire professionals to help you.
The process begins by removing the damaged material. Typically, a marble break occurs after another crack. MARBLELIFE craftsmen use a process that involves a non-abrasive cleaner and a small brush to apply the repair material. Afterward, the repaired area should be cleaned with a clean, non-abrasive cleaner to remove any excess glue.
Often, the damage done to marble can be repaired using marble dust. This is a fine material that resembles the color of the marble, so the marble repair will match the existing surface. The material is packed by weight, making it easier to transport. Moreover, it will last longer and be less expensive than replacement. And once the marble surface is repaired, it will be ready to be installed in your home. If you’re thinking of replacing the slab, you can contact a local stone care expert.
After completing marble repair, you should first clean the damaged area thoroughly. Make sure that you’re in a well-ventilated room. This will prevent the odor from the acetone as it dries the marble. After cleaning the broken area, you can use a two-part epoxy or stone-specific adhesive. This method will make sure that the epoxy will stick to the surface of the marble. Afterwards, you should wait a couple of hours for the repair to be completely dry.
Besides marble repair, it’s also important to remember that the marble repair process is not difficult. In fact, you can do it by yourself if you have the necessary skills and knowledge. The process of marble repair is easy, inexpensive, and can be done in the comfort of your own home. And the best part is that the repair process does not involve professional services. You can even do it yourself if you want to. You just have to use the right materials.
The type of marble repair that you choose will depend on the type of marble damage and how deep the break is. The easiest marble repair involves a simple putty application with a craft stick. The second method requires the application of a two-part epoxy. The putty is usually applied by applying it to the surface of the damaged piece. If the cracks are larger than the main break line, you can use a two-part epoxy.
Stone Surface Polish is your go-to for high-quality marble repair, contact us today to discuss your needs.